Sunday 29 April 2012

Dream Catchers

For my seventh topic and post I have decided to base it on dream catchers.

What I find beautiful/attractive about dream catchers are the fact they they were made to catch any harm that might be in the air, like nightmares. I like how it was used for when children went to sleep to ward off bad dreams. The design for them is physically beautiful and now with it modernized it can be extremely amazing to look at.
Dream catchers aren't that important in our society but people do value them. The meaning can be enough for a person to value the reasons behind having a dream catcher, but people still wouldn't look at it as important. This is also valued in Native American Culture where it originated.
This text could be found in books to do with Native American culture. Since dream catchers are an interesting creation made by Native Americans you are likely to find them in books about their culture. Another place would also be the Internet, a great place to find endless information.
What I have learnt was that dream catchers have changed to suit our culture and aren't made completely to tradition. I also learnt that the net was based on a spiders web so it could catch any harm in the air like a spiders web catches and holds whatever it comes in contact with.

♥ Madilyn


For my Sixth topic I have decided to do photography.

The element that I find attractive/beautiful about photography is how an objects natural beauty can be captured to be remembered forever. Photo's can be attractive to anyone, it just matters on what the photo is. I like this about photography. Being able to see pictures effect the way you see something or the way you feel are pictures that I find beautiful.
The text is very important and is valued by society. The end product of photography is a picture. Pictures are every where for us, they are just a natural way of life. People see photos everyday, it has become a normal way for us. Almost everyone values photos and photography, and find both important.
The text would be found in magazines, TV, newspapers, websites, and almost anywhere. Since it is valued in our society people have made it easy to find information on it. The Internet is a wide source for photography since it has almost a never ending storage space. Old and new photography text can be found in many of these places.
What I have interpreted from the text is that photography has adapted across time and become more technological. Different styles can be made with the lens by making the picture sepia, colour or even black and white. Photography can be used in art or different fields of work. Photography is always going to get better because we keep making it better.

♥ Madilyn

Lego Art

For my fifth topic I have decided to base it on the artist Nathan Sawaya who does Lego art.

Museum Overview
The element I find attractive and beautiful is the fact that someone could make such an amazing piece of work with just Lego. The pieces that Sawaya makes are quite incredible that sometimes it can be hard to believe they were originally just pieces of Lego. I like how he has made something that doesn't seem possible for it to be something as simple as a Lego block, it makes me think that he thinks in a different way to me. Sawaya gets inspiration to build things with Lego that many wouldn't think to do.
The text is important to a certain group of people and would depend on who you ask to determine whether or not it is important. Art can be appreciated by many, and what Sawaya has done is create sculptures, but not out of a material you would think an artist would use. This could change the reason why people would or would not like it. So the text can be important and valued only by people who like this form of art.
This text can be found possibly in magazines, only if a person was running an article about Sawaya and his art. The only other place it could be found is on the Internet on his personal website for his Lego art.
From what I have interpreted of the text, Sawaya enjoys his work. He puts a lot of time and effort into making his work and puts pride into it. He gets inspiration from his life and from browsing the web. He also gets his Lego from Target. Sawaya is an inspirational artist who makes some of the most amazing things.

♥ Madilyn


For my fourth I have decided to do it on butterflies.

The elements that I find beautiful about butterflies are they're wings and the way they fly. I like the wings because they can attract ones eye. They are always seem unique and are just beautiful. I like the flight of a butterfly because it shows how free they are and it is very interesting to watch.
The information about butterflies is important and valued in society because it is information about an animal that many others find interesting. Since the text I have viewed is the information about the life and features about a butterfly, people wanting to know about a butterfly.
The text could be found in magazines, books and on the internet.These books and magazines would be factual texts because they would be talking about an insects. Websites would be sites dedicated to information about butterflies or insects.
What I have interpreted from the text is that the butterfly has influenced art, and are very interesting. The basic information about a butterfly can include the life cycle, information about how they live and more important information about them. My favorite part of the text and what I interpreted from it was Scales. I learnt that butterflies have scale covered wings and that minute scales are what give the wings colour. This was also interesting because of the microscopic pictures to accompany the text.

This is why I find butterflies beautiful

♥ Madilyn