Thursday, 15 March 2012

Mardi Gras


For my third post I have decided to do it on Mardi Gras in Australia and explain how I think it is beautiful.

The things that I find beauitful about the Sydney Mardi Gras festival are how it is a meaning of pride for LGBTQI individuals and groups  . I like how it shows the freedom we can have because of this festival and how people can put across the message of diversity. I like this because I believe everyone should have equal rights and should be allowed to be themselve and not be judged.
The value that is placed on the text by social groups is different varying to the writer. Some people may support LGBTQI individuals and groups, others may not. So the text is valued by many people who support LGBTQI individuals and groups, people who don't wont value the text much.
This text would be found on the news, in the news paper and on the internet. This event does have many political implications by trying to give LGBTQI individuals and groups equal rights. This may have a  effect on peoples thoughts about these people and help them have equal rights with things like marriage.
My interpretation of stores that are contained in the text is that this event was created to try and get people to accept each pother for who they are, not what they want them to be. I also see how they want diversity and to show how people can love anyone and anything no matter. I believe that this event has an effect on everyone.
